Sunday, 11 December 2011

TCS IT Wiz Kochi 2011

1.) What do you call half a byte? ( To audience)
A: Nibble
2.) It's a region of memory which is called a whole data location while data is being moved from one location to another location. What is it technically called?
A: Buffer
3.) Entities in the collection, are kept in order & he  principle operations  are usually , addition to this entity list it normally work in a FIFO ( First In First Out) structure?
A: Queue
4.) It is a better name by which the world knew the Intel x86  & the reason was it was made compatible with something else , hence this name?
5.) Xerox developed this between 1973 & 1975 in many way it redefines modern computing.?
6.) It was started as a research project at Telnor Telecom?
A: Opera

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