Milestones in Computer History
Early Ages
SN | Historical Milestone | Approximate Date | Related Person |
1. | Carving notches on bones for counting purpose began around | 30,000 to 20,000 BC | |
2. | Place value number systems started from | 8500 BC | |
3. | Invention of Abacus, first known counting device | 1000 to 500 BC | |
4. | Use of Zero and negative numbers started around | 300 – 600 BC |
Distant Past Inventions
SN | Historical Milestone | Approximate Date | Related Person |
5. | The first self striking water clock | 1434 AD | |
6. | Leonardo da Vinci’s mechanical calculator | 1500 | Leonardo da Vinci |
Seventh (17th) Century Developments
SN | Historical Milestone | Approximate Date | Related Person |
7. | John Napier’s Bones (A set of 11 rods carved with numbers used for simplifying multiplication purpose) | 1614 | John Napier |
8. | William Oughtred’s Slide Rule (A set of two or more rulers that slide upon other used for division and multiplications aids) | 1621 | William Oughtred |
9. | Wilhemm Schickard’s mechanical calculator | 1625 | Wilhemm Schickard |
10. | Blaise Pascal’s Arithmetic Machine – La Pascaline (A mechanical way of adding numbers by dialing wheels) | 1640 | Blaise Pascal |
11. | Gottfried von Leibniz’s Stepped Reckoner (Improvement on Pascaline that could perform multiplications and divisions too) | 1670 | Gottfried von Leibniz |
Eighteenth (18th ) Century Development
SN | Historical Milestone | Approximate Date | Related Person |
12. | The first English Typewriter patent | 1714 | |
13. | Colmar’s Arithmometer | 1785 | Colmar |
Nineteenth (19th ) Century Development
SN | Historical Milestone | Approximate Date | Related Person |
14. | Joseph Jacquard’s Punched Cards (Used to automate weaving patterns in looms) | 1800 | Joseph Jacquard |
15. | Charles Babbage’s Difference Engine | 1822 | Charles Babbage (Father of Computer) |
16. | The first American Typewriter patent | 1829 | |
17. | Charles Babbage’s Analytical Engine | 1830 | Charles Babbage |
18. | George and Edward Scheutz’s Difference Engine | 1834 | George, Edward Scheutz |
19. | Samuel Morse’s Invention of electric telegraph | 1837 | Samuel Morse |
20. | The first programmer Augusta suggested Binary Storage | 1840 | Augusta Ada |
21. | George Bool’s Boolean Algebra | 1847 | George Bool |
22. | Sir Charles Wheatstone’s use of paper tape to store data | 1857 | Sir Charles Wheatstone |
23. | The first commercial typewriter | 1867 | |
24. | George Bernard Grant’s Difference Engine | 1867 | George Bernard Grant |
25. | Charles Pierce links Boolean Algebra to circuits based on switches | 1886 | Charles Pierce |
26. | Dr. Herman Hollerith’s Tabulating Machine | 1890 | Dr. Herman Hollerith (IBM) |
Twentieth (20th ) Century Development
SN | Historical Milestone | Approximate Date | Related Person |
27. | John Ambrose Fleming’s invention of Vacuum Tubes | 1900 | John Ambrose Fleming |
28. | The first teleprinters | 1902 | |
29. | Lee de Forest’s invention of Triode | 1906 | Lee de Forest |
30. | Patent for semiconductor transistor | 1926 | |
31. | The Dvorak keyboard | 1936 | |
32. | Alan Turing’s Turing Machine | 1937 | Alan Turing |
33. | John Vincent Atanasoft and Clifford Bery’s ABC Computer (Special purpose electronic digital computer) | 1939 | John Vincent Atanasoft , Clifford Bery |
34. | Howard’s Kiken’s Harvard Mark I (IBM ASCC) | 1939 | Howard |
35. | John von Neumann’s Stored Program Concept | 1940 | John von Neumann |
36. | Konr Zuse’s Z1, Z3 and Z4 computers (All these computers destroyed on world war) | 1941 | Konr Zuse |
37. | Alan Turing and COLOSSUS developed Vacuum Tube technology | 1943 | Alan Turing |
38. | ENIAC (The first general purpose electronic digital computer) | 1943 | |
39. | EDVAC (The first stored program concept computer) | 1944 | |
40. | Aiken built Mark – I | 1944 | |
41. | The first computer bug | 1944 | |
42. | UNIVAC (The first commercial computer) | 1948 | |
43. | The first assembler – Initial Orders | 1949 | |
44. | Wang’s Magnetic Core Memory | 1949 | |
45. | Hopper’s UNIVAC-I Compiler | 1950 | Hopper |
46. | G.W.A. Dummer conceives integrated circuits | 1952 | |
47. | FORTRAN was developed | 1957 | |
48. | Kibly & Noce developed first IC | 1958 | Jack S Kibly ,Robert Noce |
49. | COBOL developed | 1959 | |
50. | IBM System/360 mainframe computer | 1960 | |
51. | BASIC developed by Kemeny & Kurtz | 1965 | Kemeny , Kurtz |
52. | First disk storage by IBM | 1966 | |
53. | Keyboard, Mouse and first GUI | 1968 | |
54. | First Static and Dynamic RAMs used | 1970 | |
55. | Hoff’s first Microprocessor – 4004 | 1971 | |
56. | 8 inch floppy disk appeared | 1971 | |
57. | 8008 Microprocessor launched | 1972 | |
58. | 5.25 inch Mini Floppy disk | 1972 | |
59. | Hard Disk Devices started | 1973 | |
60. | 8080, 6800 microprocessors | 1974 | |
61. | Father of Micro Computers Roberts developed Altair 8800 microcomputer | 1975 | |
62. | Microsoft founded by Bill Gates and Paul Allen | 1975 | Bill Gates ,Paul Allen |
63. | Steven Jobs & Wozniak developed Apple I and Apple II microcomputers | 1976 | Steven Jobs ,Steve Wozniak |
64. | Cray developed the Cray-I super computer | 1976 | |
65. | 8086 microprocessor | 1980 | |
66. | First IBP PC with DOS | 1981 | |
67. | Microsoft Windows introduced | 1985 | |
68. | Intel’s 386 microprocessor | 1985 | |
69. | Intel 486 microprocessor | 1989 | |
70. | Intel’s Pentium (586) | 1992 | |
71. | Intel’s Pentium Pro (x86) | 1996 | |
72. | Pentium II | 1997 | |
73. | Pentium III | 1999 | |
74. | Pentium IV | 2000 | |
75. | Core 2 Duo | ||
76. | Duo core processor |