
Questions like asking on Kerala School IT Fest

1) Who provide the IT services such as Suleka, Sevana, Sanchitha, Sachithra etc
→ Kerala Government

2) Name the venue of “Conference on Free software” held on 2008 November 15, 16?
→ Cochin ( Cusat Campus )

3) Whose web browser id chrome /
→ Google

4) which is not a web browser ?
i) Apple Safari ii) Fire Fox
iii) Luna scape iv) Adobe Reader
→iv) Adobe reader

5) This was started by the effort of J.N.Tata ( Jamsetji Nusserwanji Tata ) on May 27, 1909. This is
the place where simputer was developed.
→ Indian Institute of Science, Banglore

6) He was the member of director board of reconstructed Satyam. He was also the chairman of
NASSCOM. Who is he ?
→ Kiran Karnic

7) Who got the “The World is Open” award (2008)?
→ IT@SChool

8) What are Meera, Rachana, Angaly old etc ?
→ Malayalam Fonts (Unicode)

9) Write the three boolean operators used in searching the web?
→ And, Or & Not

10) Puma is the code name of what ?
→ Mac OS (Mac OS X 10.1) or Macintosh

11) What was the invention of team lead by Alan Shugart ?
→ Floppy Disk

12) It is a project by kerala Revenue Department. It is used for submitting tax returns online. Name
it ?
→ Efiling

13) Expand VICTERS
→ VIrtual Classroom Technology on Edusat for Rural Schools.

14) What is the full form of L.G ?
→ Lucky Goldstar

15) Who developed famous free media player Winamp
→ Nullsoft

16) Select the pair of graphic/image file extensions ?
i) .exe/.jpg ii) .doc/.png
iii) .bmp/.exe iv) .png/.jpg
→ iv) .png/.jpg

17) Whose is kerala's IT minister ( 2009 )
→ Sri. V.S Achuthananthan

18) What is a nibble ?
→ four bits

19) Which city is called Cybrabad ?
→ Hydrabad

20) Ebay
rooted in India by acquiring which Indian Ecommerce
Website ?

21) The year in which CDIT
was started ?
→ 1988

22) Thomas Fredman's, th columnist of Newyork Times, wrote his best seller book “The World is
Fas “ inspired by conversation with an Indian entrepreneur. Who is that entrepreneur ?
→ Nandan Nilekani

23) Who developed the Linux Kernel ?
→ Linus Torwalds

24) Tharang, Bfone, Callnow are the brand names of which Indian Public Sector ?

25)  This software rewarded the Guinness world record for most        downloaded software on a single
day. Which is the software ?
→ Mozilla Firefox 3.0
